Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Happy Birthday to me (2)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I am here again...
hmm... today end so fast... :p
Ok... la.... I do celebrated my Bday myself.. and I am ok with it... hahaha.. How do I celebrate? let see~~~
Morning I went to gym.. hahahha... then off to buy myself my present... 1 of it is pictureal of S.H.E and a guitar book... lol.. love it... :)

then off to Mt Faber park... to take some photo.. hehe... still processing.. so wun post it here yet... once I finish editing it.. I will post here.. :) brought ah ma lunch on the back home... then watch CNY de bai wan da ge xin.. wahhaha.. nice and funny lor... bright up my days.. always~~~ :) then also... our home new frig is here.. finally... the old 1 die off... :)
O ya... I pray myself a Bday song... hehe.. the book I brought.. the 1st song is Birthday song.. haha... I think it muz be God.. when I saw that book.. and saw that 1st song.. I brought it.. :p maybe someday I will post it up also.. lol
Jus now went to class... exam coming soon.. muz jia you lioa... and is funny jus now lor... hahaha.... we suppose to go there for some purpose.. but in the end.. the head of our course was in the room.. we end up not doing sth we actually suposed to do.. till the leaturer 'dismiss' us.. hahaha.. after the VIP gone... all of us went back to the classroom again... wahahhahahaha... so funny lor.. hehee...
ok la.. end this special day with a BIG blessing.. Thx God.. :) and Pray that Peace will be present for the world!!
hmm... today end so fast... :p
Ok... la.... I do celebrated my Bday myself.. and I am ok with it... hahaha.. How do I celebrate? let see~~~
Morning I went to gym.. hahahha... then off to buy myself my present... 1 of it is pictureal of S.H.E and a guitar book... lol.. love it... :)

then off to Mt Faber park... to take some photo.. hehe... still processing.. so wun post it here yet... once I finish editing it.. I will post here.. :) brought ah ma lunch on the back home... then watch CNY de bai wan da ge xin.. wahhaha.. nice and funny lor... bright up my days.. always~~~ :) then also... our home new frig is here.. finally... the old 1 die off... :)
O ya... I pray myself a Bday song... hehe.. the book I brought.. the 1st song is Birthday song.. haha... I think it muz be God.. when I saw that book.. and saw that 1st song.. I brought it.. :p maybe someday I will post it up also.. lol
Jus now went to class... exam coming soon.. muz jia you lioa... and is funny jus now lor... hahaha.... we suppose to go there for some purpose.. but in the end.. the head of our course was in the room.. we end up not doing sth we actually suposed to do.. till the leaturer 'dismiss' us.. hahaha.. after the VIP gone... all of us went back to the classroom again... wahahhahahaha... so funny lor.. hehee...
ok la.. end this special day with a BIG blessing.. Thx God.. :) and Pray that Peace will be present for the world!!
Happy Birthday to me...
hehe... today mark a very special day for me... hmm.. is it my birthday day~~~ yappy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ altot I may be celebrating it myself but I am happy that I have some1 to be with me always. I thx all who wish me.. and I bless all who wished me.. :) for those dun.. I also blessed them.. :D
haha.... and I got so many wish lor.. hmm.. list down later.. anyway... sunday 4gotten to share what I had learn... :) We learn abt promise on Sunday.. Promise that is given by God.. :) He will not forget about us.. and He always promise sth good to us... especially when we go things of his will... But we got to remember.. hmm.... We got to do the right things... Promis do not come in term of $$ but in a lot of form.. for me.. I think God given me a lot of happiness.. :) even in bad time... I believe that I should be happy.. becos... Those thing that turn out bad is always benefits me.. they always let me learn a lot of things which I dun have the chance to learn...
Always look thik is a positive way.. we know that thing always have 2 sides... and if we always bother abt the negative side.. how can we be happy? rite? so... let us all look at the positive side... Thinks God for all things that happen on us... no mater good or bad.. cos they are always a blessing from Him.. :)
Human in natural is good... so we should continue to do it... :)
I also realise that... I do can choose my life... I cannot always stay in the comfort zone.. I got to get out to find my own life.. :) I got to face the difficults... I will stand firm with my God who always with me and I will be able to face all fears.. :)
here is my wish for my Birthday:
1. I wanna always be with God.
2. A happy family.... with everyone healthy and happy...
3. I hope I can open up and know more pple.. :P maybe at least to some1 special *still loooking for her*
4. I wanna improve in my wushu. especially my coaching style... (I do wish I can get the instructor cert asap)
5. I wanna study harder.. Gambatte.~~~
6. Improve in my guitar so that I can lead my cell group in worshipping.. hehee... (some1 help me with this.. thx.. :p)
7. I wanna get rip of all the sinful things I had gone and still doing... I wanna cut off with it.. and live a peaceful life.
8. I wanna World peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and all nations can solve things throught calm and nice talking. dun 动不动就war and fighting~~~
9. All nations who affected by nature disaster and others factors that affected the pple there... I pray that all will come to an end and peace and happiness will be staying forever..
10. Pray that Singapore will be always blessed by God.
We have the abilities (everyone od us) to make a different for the world. We jus gif a little caring and love everyday. and 世界会变得更美好!!
haha.... and I got so many wish lor.. hmm.. list down later.. anyway... sunday 4gotten to share what I had learn... :) We learn abt promise on Sunday.. Promise that is given by God.. :) He will not forget about us.. and He always promise sth good to us... especially when we go things of his will... But we got to remember.. hmm.... We got to do the right things... Promis do not come in term of $$ but in a lot of form.. for me.. I think God given me a lot of happiness.. :) even in bad time... I believe that I should be happy.. becos... Those thing that turn out bad is always benefits me.. they always let me learn a lot of things which I dun have the chance to learn...
Always look thik is a positive way.. we know that thing always have 2 sides... and if we always bother abt the negative side.. how can we be happy? rite? so... let us all look at the positive side... Thinks God for all things that happen on us... no mater good or bad.. cos they are always a blessing from Him.. :)
Human in natural is good... so we should continue to do it... :)
I also realise that... I do can choose my life... I cannot always stay in the comfort zone.. I got to get out to find my own life.. :) I got to face the difficults... I will stand firm with my God who always with me and I will be able to face all fears.. :)
here is my wish for my Birthday:
1. I wanna always be with God.
2. A happy family.... with everyone healthy and happy...
3. I hope I can open up and know more pple.. :P maybe at least to some1 special *still loooking for her*
4. I wanna improve in my wushu. especially my coaching style... (I do wish I can get the instructor cert asap)
5. I wanna study harder.. Gambatte.~~~
6. Improve in my guitar so that I can lead my cell group in worshipping.. hehee... (some1 help me with this.. thx.. :p)
7. I wanna get rip of all the sinful things I had gone and still doing... I wanna cut off with it.. and live a peaceful life.
8. I wanna World peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and all nations can solve things throught calm and nice talking. dun 动不动就war and fighting~~~
9. All nations who affected by nature disaster and others factors that affected the pple there... I pray that all will come to an end and peace and happiness will be staying forever..
10. Pray that Singapore will be always blessed by God.
We have the abilities (everyone od us) to make a different for the world. We jus gif a little caring and love everyday. and 世界会变得更美好!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Found that wushu is not onli abt wushu... it got a lot of things in it.... gif some example... on how we jump... pple got this mindset of using legs la.... wahahhaha.... I also lidat... but.. last wk when I attend gym training.. then I realise that.. it is not onli the leg that is used for jumping.. it also include the kua... hehehhe... happy rite.. but i try to experiment it... very hard to do on xuan feng tui... sob sob.... my most dun like move.. haiz... jia you ba..
Today church taught abt Humilities... hehe.. got to keep re0reading it.. but I got this very meaningful thing that wanna share... is it to "Not to complaint and argue... even things is against us. :)" cos we will learn sth in the end... complainting wun help.. cos in the end we are the 1 suffering from that.. why not think is another angle... keep in mind that we care born a loving person and not a bad person... if we keep thinking positively on anything we are doing.. U will feel good.
dun wait.. do it NOW.. start thinking positively!!!
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, Philippians 2:14-15
Today church taught abt Humilities... hehe.. got to keep re0reading it.. but I got this very meaningful thing that wanna share... is it to "Not to complaint and argue... even things is against us. :)" cos we will learn sth in the end... complainting wun help.. cos in the end we are the 1 suffering from that.. why not think is another angle... keep in mind that we care born a loving person and not a bad person... if we keep thinking positively on anything we are doing.. U will feel good.
dun wait.. do it NOW.. start thinking positively!!!
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, Philippians 2:14-15
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Enjoying my course.
Attended a course for the past 2 days. MCMD course... hmm... since when is the last time I attend a course? like 2 yr ago?? who know... anyway this course, Effective commnucation, is a greet course. had a lot of fun.. playing~~ luff-ing also... hahaha.. best and most of all.. learnt a lot of things... which really influenced me a lot. I can rmb the way of human mind and how to differential them. and know that we cannot change people, we can onli influence them.. so that they may know and change themselves. :) I enjoy the course a lot. and It help in my future career too. :)
no pic taken :p hahaha...
O ya... I got my dreamed set liao... a D90 bosy, 70-300mm telescope len, 28-75mm fast lens and a 18-55mm lens attached with a 0.45x wide lens.. hahahahaha... altot need to keep change len for different things that I wanna shoot. but them... I am ok with it.. hahahahahaha..
Dun let the passion down... fire it up~~~~ :)
Realise that God already plan things ahead of me, preparing me for my future.. :) *Happy*
no pic taken :p hahaha...
O ya... I got my dreamed set liao... a D90 bosy, 70-300mm telescope len, 28-75mm fast lens and a 18-55mm lens attached with a 0.45x wide lens.. hahahahaha... altot need to keep change len for different things that I wanna shoot. but them... I am ok with it.. hahahahahaha..
Dun let the passion down... fire it up~~~~ :)
Realise that God already plan things ahead of me, preparing me for my future.. :) *Happy*
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Super Import Night & National Wushu Display
Yo... yday a way busy day... when for coaching in the morning.. after that.. to Singapore Expo with Benny, Joshua and Byan.. ehehhe... and I dun drive wooo~~~ all sitting Byan's car... :p... Taken some photo in there... but had not finish editing all.. so will jus post a few.. hehehe.... not a bad exhibition but... nth much to buy.. most are car that redecorate... it is like a show that showing how u can do to the appearance of ur car to make it now impressive.. hehe.. and it do cost quite an amt.. I think... :)

Meet leslie at Expo as he went there to look for his things also... :0 then we went to the Singapore Indoor Statium... hehhe.... watch the Wushu Display.. lol... I dunno abt the previous 1... but hmmm...... blah blah blah... ok... hhaa... no comment.. cos It is like SPWUSHU family gathering lidat... wahahahaha... enjoying ourself.. fellowship and... KFC as supper.. lol... PM Lee is there for the opening.. and when he is there... we got to scan our belonging.. lol.. and I am like running abt in and out of the scanner.. hhehee... *The scanner is onli at the area where our PM Lee is sitting... and I happen to sit at the area* so.. I think the Polices like c me till dun wanna see me lidat.. wahahahahahahhaha... and it is fun... :P I mean going in and out of the scanner.. WAhaahahaha... the display.. not much photo taken... maybe only on the few China coaches who I know but very blur.. cos high zoom and I cannot find a hand rest for ny Camera.. (should ask Wenbin to bring my Fujifilm there... ) wahahah... this part of photo.. totally haven edit... so.. got to wait to post in.. hehee...
There is different between Joyfulness and Happy.. :D
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
No subject!~~
My DSLR got a home now.. hahaa.. Jus got a Dry Cabinet for my camera... cost 100.. is cheaper.. hehe.. anyway... I still chort of a fast lens to finish my collection... (those len that I wanna use) maybe I will get it this wk.. hehee...
Looking forward for an oversea trip.. but then... I still thinking wanna go oversea this yr to China onot.. cos budget tight.. hehee... If i can go then best la.. but 1 thing also.. I had miss the Marathon for 2 yr.. I dun wanna miss it again.. :( so the comming Dec 1st Sunday I wanna go.. hahahahhaa...
I had finish my yellow ribbon run.. which I like it alot.. cos I dun gif up half way... Thx God.. hahaha... If next yr still got I will join again.. :)
Learning guitar... now came to a bottle neck.. I cannot form rhythm from chord.. need help.. hahaha... I still a beginner so I got to work hard ba....
School wise... I like it.. but my problem is that I got to work night shift.. so when come to that wk I cannot attant the class... So I muz jia you... Justin Jia you jia you.. hehehhehe....
Honoring people around you, honoring the God!
Looking forward for an oversea trip.. but then... I still thinking wanna go oversea this yr to China onot.. cos budget tight.. hehee... If i can go then best la.. but 1 thing also.. I had miss the Marathon for 2 yr.. I dun wanna miss it again.. :( so the comming Dec 1st Sunday I wanna go.. hahahahhaa...
I had finish my yellow ribbon run.. which I like it alot.. cos I dun gif up half way... Thx God.. hahaha... If next yr still got I will join again.. :)
Learning guitar... now came to a bottle neck.. I cannot form rhythm from chord.. need help.. hahaha... I still a beginner so I got to work hard ba....
School wise... I like it.. but my problem is that I got to work night shift.. so when come to that wk I cannot attant the class... So I muz jia you... Justin Jia you jia you.. hehehhehe....
Honoring people around you, honoring the God!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Photo time!!!

Photo of the NDP night cycling.. haha... I dun put most of the photo.. too much. and also... they dun have mi in it.. wahahhaha... We cycle from ECP to LCK.... hhee.. next target will be ECP to woodland.. :P anyone wanna join our next trip?? hhahahaha....
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Happy ever after...
yes~~~ end of Poly 50.. haha... it is fun.. and then is a once a year thing.. good job SPWA altot we dun run fast enough but then teamwork shown.. hahahhaa.. enjoying it also... the photo is with Jul.. so have to wait for her to sent mi then I can upload them.. :)
recently thinking abt myself.. wat make mi so different.. haha.. I think there is a lot of thing.. Lord did so much thing for me... I have so much frens ard me.. and I think they all given to me by God... hahahha.. Frens in SP, especually SPWUSHU... in SAF.. BMT fren, RSAF frens... and working frens.. so much of them... fren from church... they are so wonderful and caring.. :) my relatives also... haha...thx to all frens.. o ya... not to forget.. my best buddies.... haha.. with them ard.. I think I am very fortuned... anyway... I also hope that they do well too...
David is the 1st to get married.. on 1st Aug.. his ROM.. a wonderful day.... hahaa.. May God bless them forever and that They will have a ever lasting marriage.. hehhee... coming will be Dec 25.. yap... tt is the big day~~~ hope this time I will take out my camera to take pic.. hehee...
I got quite a lot of pic to be posted in... hehehe.. maybe I will have a post of all photo... plus those which I took frm my camera.. ;p
God love us and want us to Love our family!!!
recently thinking abt myself.. wat make mi so different.. haha.. I think there is a lot of thing.. Lord did so much thing for me... I have so much frens ard me.. and I think they all given to me by God... hahahha.. Frens in SP, especually SPWUSHU... in SAF.. BMT fren, RSAF frens... and working frens.. so much of them... fren from church... they are so wonderful and caring.. :) my relatives also... haha...thx to all frens.. o ya... not to forget.. my best buddies.... haha.. with them ard.. I think I am very fortuned... anyway... I also hope that they do well too...
David is the 1st to get married.. on 1st Aug.. his ROM.. a wonderful day.... hahaa.. May God bless them forever and that They will have a ever lasting marriage.. hehhee... coming will be Dec 25.. yap... tt is the big day~~~ hope this time I will take out my camera to take pic.. hehee...
I got quite a lot of pic to be posted in... hehehe.. maybe I will have a post of all photo... plus those which I took frm my camera.. ;p
God love us and want us to Love our family!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
happy start with sad ending.. :(
Ah ma come to christ yday.. it should be a happy event... but in the end it come to a sad ending... I jus dun understand.. howcome pple like to control others' life? ah ma is happy that he converted come come to Christ. the whole family is happy for her.. she seen so happy yday nite... and here come.. onli 1.. and I really mean it.. the 1 and onli who reject it.. my father.... He is so unreasonable lor... tryting to control wan ah ma wanna do... she is his mother ok... :<
anyway... he said that we force ah ma to convert.. which is the most not trust lor... she wan it herself.. pple even tok to her abt this and she really wan it.. somemore.. she also did this for the family... I dun understand is.. howcome my father act like a kid lidat... doing things where kid did... haiz..
I still respect him as my father. but i cannot understand y.. yes.. he is the head of family.. but His mother should be the Head of whole family.. and he can lidat say to his mother... i feel that he is so childish lor... haiz....
My grandma wanna convert cos she is old and she dun wanna pass down buden for the next generation.. she wun wanna her to cont my father's worship... but howcome my father dun understand it.. haiz...
Anyway.. pray for the best ba... I am really tired of adult.. who think they are always correct... and not listening to the young genaration... maybe 1 day i will really blow up and jus leave here.. go to another place to stay.. :(
I dun wanna be like them.... I dun wanna be so unreasonable... I am still learning it.. cos I wanna open up for pple... but they... haiz.. they can say other pple is ok to do tt.. they dun mind.. then when come to their own family.. BOOM!!!.. haiz.. how to improve if this thing happen...
I know that I have some1 here for me whennever what happen.. and I am happy with it... and I hope my family will have it too... :)
anyway... he said that we force ah ma to convert.. which is the most not trust lor... she wan it herself.. pple even tok to her abt this and she really wan it.. somemore.. she also did this for the family... I dun understand is.. howcome my father act like a kid lidat... doing things where kid did... haiz..
I still respect him as my father. but i cannot understand y.. yes.. he is the head of family.. but His mother should be the Head of whole family.. and he can lidat say to his mother... i feel that he is so childish lor... haiz....
My grandma wanna convert cos she is old and she dun wanna pass down buden for the next generation.. she wun wanna her to cont my father's worship... but howcome my father dun understand it.. haiz...
Anyway.. pray for the best ba... I am really tired of adult.. who think they are always correct... and not listening to the young genaration... maybe 1 day i will really blow up and jus leave here.. go to another place to stay.. :(
I dun wanna be like them.... I dun wanna be so unreasonable... I am still learning it.. cos I wanna open up for pple... but they... haiz.. they can say other pple is ok to do tt.. they dun mind.. then when come to their own family.. BOOM!!!.. haiz.. how to improve if this thing happen...
I know that I have some1 here for me whennever what happen.. and I am happy with it... and I hope my family will have it too... :)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
depressed yday~~
Heard a shocking news yday... and I dun even know whow to react... haiz... :( ??? msn from Yvonne.. saying that she is seeing someone... at 1st I was like.. ok.. congrad... but then later on.. I dunno wat come to mi... a suddenly depression jus knock into my mind.. I dunno how to explain the feeling.. and somemore.. I dun really wanna her to know.. : anyway is I dui bu qi her 1st.... and not to treasure her.. so... regrat also no use le.. jus let it be... jus keep things to myself and tt is enough.. :) feeling down yday.. so dun really do much thing... and find comfort from my Father.. who tell mi sth... "As a mother comfort her child, so will I comforted over Jerusalem" Isaiah 66:13
Altot not totally related.. but it make mi think a lot.. and I got to thinks my God that he is with mi at that moment and confort me..
What can I say. He is some1 who I can trust in and to speak up... so I tot of praying for Yvonne.. that God will bless her and gif her happiness.. :)
I had too long dun update this blog.. currently the H1N1 is so jialat lor.. I will pray for all the nation that this virus will be gone in Jesus name.. and everyone will be health..
I take up guitar long ago and now I c some improvment.. which is quite good la... also I got my 1st DSLR.. which I love it a lot.. ahahhaha.. will need to get better lens.. so jus pray for it...
Lost my Hp.. dunno how I lost it also.. feel sad abt it.. hmm.. current aiming for blackberry 8820.. hahaha.. cos tt phone enable mi to load my course document so that I can stusy when working.. :)
injuried my elbow with my own sword.. li hai ba.. hahaha... still recovering and wound had already join up.. thx God.. :)
what else... hmm....
I am happy... yes... and I will be happy for everyone... who share with me happy things... and sad with pple who tell mi sad things..
tt's all... :)
May God bless all pple and gif happiness to those needing it.. amen...
Altot not totally related.. but it make mi think a lot.. and I got to thinks my God that he is with mi at that moment and confort me..
What can I say. He is some1 who I can trust in and to speak up... so I tot of praying for Yvonne.. that God will bless her and gif her happiness.. :)
I had too long dun update this blog.. currently the H1N1 is so jialat lor.. I will pray for all the nation that this virus will be gone in Jesus name.. and everyone will be health..
I take up guitar long ago and now I c some improvment.. which is quite good la... also I got my 1st DSLR.. which I love it a lot.. ahahhaha.. will need to get better lens.. so jus pray for it...
Lost my Hp.. dunno how I lost it also.. feel sad abt it.. hmm.. current aiming for blackberry 8820.. hahaha.. cos tt phone enable mi to load my course document so that I can stusy when working.. :)
injuried my elbow with my own sword.. li hai ba.. hahaha... still recovering and wound had already join up.. thx God.. :)
what else... hmm....
I am happy... yes... and I will be happy for everyone... who share with me happy things... and sad with pple who tell mi sad things..
tt's all... :)
May God bless all pple and gif happiness to those needing it.. amen...
Monday, June 1, 2009
End of the Performance...

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! ghahaa.. after so many months of rehearsing and training for the performance.. yday comt to the very ending of it... yap.. yday is the performance.. hmm.. too bad I dun have the chance to take video of my CCs... i not I can youtube it in here... hehe.. I think they do very will altot here and there there is mistake.. but consider this is the 1st time and they dun know how to do it properly... but I guess I am satified with them.. Great work YTCC, TPYCC, AGCC and JSCC... :) and I have to thanks all the parents that suppporting me till now... :D
My event... hmm.... 1st part of ji ti quan already do wrong... cos I too jing zhang.. hehee.. forgive mi ... :P other then tt still ok... enjoy myself too...
ok... I too long dun update my blog.. cos nth really excited happen jus that all the while I am busying with the performance... working wise.. hmm.. I am trying hard to complete my training.. :) and my life... still searching for my other half... hahahhaa... ok la.. everything seen fine.. and now I am more relex... I got to work harder at work.. :)
life going into next phase... and teaching go up a step too... :) all the best for me..
Lord love sinner and dun lik sin... XD
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Exam ended..
finally my last paper on today.. all wat I wanna do now is to pray that I can pass it.. :( ya.. I need to pass it... and I wanna pass... cos if I cannot mak it then I cannot study anymore.. and I really wanna study... haiz... ok.. i hate exam.. then is the part I hate abt study and other than that I love to gain knowlegde.. :P yap... tt's me.. hahaha... y cant jus take away he exam and I will be studyinig happily.. wahahaha...
Pray to God... I need a lot of prayer.. :P
and I wanna thanks God that he help me in this exam also.. :)
Pray to God... I need a lot of prayer.. :P
and I wanna thanks God that he help me in this exam also.. :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
end of instructor exam...
Sun jus end the instructor exam... hmm... dun really have the comfident to pass it.. haiz... anyway... jus pray for it.. the most... worse come to worse.. I got to do everything all over again... :) ok.. hmmm... sun isit a good day... I dunn wanna say who.. but then.. I dun really happy with him... cos if he thin my exam is not tt important it is because he already in a high position... but for the youngster... we wanna strike to get sth... they jus dun think... tt's y.. there are a lot of pple leaving... :(
I jus pray that I can pass.. tt's all.. and pray to God... :)
I jus pray that I can pass.. tt's all.. and pray to God... :)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Rehearsal 250409
Ending of the 1st rehearsal... hmm... objective hit.. so I should be happy... next come to difficult.. which will be... making sure all know wat to do... and all know how to control the timing of the routine.. hehee... wat can I ask for?? I got to thx God for helping me and by my side.. :)
I really need to know wat to do.. then go do it... not hiding in th mind.. in he heart la... haiz... I said wanna add a ger.. but till now haven.. cos I dnnno will she accept mi onot... o jus del the contact.. wahahhahaha.. so... got to get comfirmation 1st ba.. :)
as for wokr.. hmmm.. I think I got to work harder.. :)
sch exam coming soon.. and.... here come the toopid guy trying to study with comp on... video of anime on.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... go out study is still the best... wahahaha..
O ya... I misss COOS.. tml finial going liao.. wahahha/.... :)
*today no color.. cos I am very tired... wanna slp eary.. wahaha.. ta ta... and miss those I should miss... May all be bless... hehee..
I really need to know wat to do.. then go do it... not hiding in th mind.. in he heart la... haiz... I said wanna add a ger.. but till now haven.. cos I dnnno will she accept mi onot... o jus del the contact.. wahahhahaha.. so... got to get comfirmation 1st ba.. :)
as for wokr.. hmmm.. I think I got to work harder.. :)
sch exam coming soon.. and.... here come the toopid guy trying to study with comp on... video of anime on.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... go out study is still the best... wahahaha..
O ya... I misss COOS.. tml finial going liao.. wahahha/.... :)
*today no color.. cos I am very tired... wanna slp eary.. wahaha.. ta ta... and miss those I should miss... May all be bless... hehee..
Friday, April 17, 2009
How should I do??
Ys.. it is time to move on.. :) I feel much better... hmmm... I dunno what I doing is right or wrong.. but I know that I will always ask God for blessing.. make Pray that He will guide mi throught things.. :)
Anyway.. I come across this ger.. hmm... it not counted I know her, but that I see her b4.. I dun think she wil remember mi also la.. :) but then.. I would want to get to know her... jus that.. I dunno how to do it.. hai... :)
Pray that God sent some angel to help mi with it.. :P
ok la.. short update.. sun lab test.. I muz do my very best on it.. :) my last hope le.. haiz... jia you..
go slp liao.. tml a nother long day again.. hehee...
Anyway.. I come across this ger.. hmm... it not counted I know her, but that I see her b4.. I dun think she wil remember mi also la.. :) but then.. I would want to get to know her... jus that.. I dunno how to do it.. hai... :)
Pray that God sent some angel to help mi with it.. :P
ok la.. short update.. sun lab test.. I muz do my very best on it.. :) my last hope le.. haiz... jia you..
go slp liao.. tml a nother long day again.. hehee...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Making a fool of myself
I tot that maybe there is some1 to lent mi a ear.. jus to listen to mi... to release my stress.. but I am wrong... I am jus making a fool of myself thinking abt this... well.. jus 4get it... i should guess what will be the result...
I am loaded with so much stress that I cannot bear it anymore!!!
Only 1 in this world understand me fully.. and I thx You... always here for me and be by my side... :)
I am loaded with so much stress that I cannot bear it anymore!!!
Only 1 in this world understand me fully.. and I thx You... always here for me and be by my side... :)
Monday, April 13, 2009
new.... u.p.d.a.t.e... :P
Yes... I haven been blogging since mid Mar.. wahahha... really busy ok... I hven rest for weeks... even Good fri... hmm.. which i wannna de.. :P nvm... tt day is not bad la.. quite fun also... hehee...
skip the old past memories... get a brand new 1... wahhahahha... y go think abt the past rite.. unless it is a need to remember... like.. the 'bang' on my car?? hehee.. nice story but dun really matter now.. hehehee... and... work? the sam things la... wahhaa... training also same... everything same... lol..
anyway.. here start... :) actually what am I busying with? :) A performance for all CC.. combine 1 for them... trying hard to make it work anyway... altot always fail it.. But God tell mi not to gif up.. :) I muz endure... music already out, moves almost complete, attendance not yet film... and the most important part... a combine rehearsal for them.. wahahha.. on 25 Apr.. any1 interested to go and gif come comment? I am ok with it... wahahha...wahahhaha... busy on study is another ting.. going to start exam liao.. so I muz work harder lor... jia you! jia you! jia you!!!
I have a tot of wanna know some1.. (I seen her before but dunno her.. she dunno mi also.. ) :P and then... I dnno how to.. sad case.. wahhaha...
went to watch the inter-sch (secondary) last wk since I am doing night shift... so... not bad le... a mini gathering.. wahhahaha... too bad.. dun go early.. so I miss a few events.. haiz.. dun watch 1 of my fren's qiang also.. sry.. :)
ok la.. I will try to update it as often as possible.. :P
time for bed.. tata...
skip the old past memories... get a brand new 1... wahhahahha... y go think abt the past rite.. unless it is a need to remember... like.. the 'bang' on my car?? hehee.. nice story but dun really matter now.. hehehee... and... work? the sam things la... wahhaa... training also same... everything same... lol..
anyway.. here start... :) actually what am I busying with? :) A performance for all CC.. combine 1 for them... trying hard to make it work anyway... altot always fail it.. But God tell mi not to gif up.. :) I muz endure... music already out, moves almost complete, attendance not yet film... and the most important part... a combine rehearsal for them.. wahahha.. on 25 Apr.. any1 interested to go and gif come comment? I am ok with it... wahahha...wahahhaha... busy on study is another ting.. going to start exam liao.. so I muz work harder lor... jia you! jia you! jia you!!!
I have a tot of wanna know some1.. (I seen her before but dunno her.. she dunno mi also.. ) :P and then... I dnno how to.. sad case.. wahhaha...
went to watch the inter-sch (secondary) last wk since I am doing night shift... so... not bad le... a mini gathering.. wahhahaha... too bad.. dun go early.. so I miss a few events.. haiz.. dun watch 1 of my fren's qiang also.. sry.. :)
ok la.. I will try to update it as often as possible.. :P
time for bed.. tata...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
1 assignmant down a lot to come.. waha..
Jus finish my Personal financial assignment on the fri.. but then.. I think there is more on their way.. exam will be coming soon... and I got to force myself to start studying... haiz.... this ain't tt good after all... hmm... I got this feeling that there will be a large changing at somewhere.. :) some place where I dun wanna name la... lalala~~~
Have a farewell lunch at East Coast tong le seafood resturant.. the food there is not bad.. hmm.. can consider going there again.. if time allow mi to.. hahaha...
Yday is a fully packed day... dun even rest for a bit... hmm... morning go Rivervale to teach, then off the east coast, after that will be my cell group... hehee... we going to have a bigger cell group.. cos mergging another group.. tt's so good.. hahaa.. also.. Pastor Danny also going to teach foundation 1 & 2 in the cell.. I wanna go~~~... ok.. after cell group.. off to YTCC... make mi so angry yday.. haiz... then to jurong spring cc... ah.. well.. say result as YTCC...
anyway.. dun tok abt unhappy things la... planning for the exam studying also... hope I can make it this time.. :)
Pastor Danny wanna mi to go to batam with the other adult member.. which is on the 1st May.. haiz... I going to have the routine exam for instructor on the 3rd May... also I wannna take a course in COOS on 3rd May.. 1st paper will be on 4th May 2nd paper will be 5th May.. pack rite... wahhahahhahahhaha... jia you for me.. :)
Nvr will I imagine I will be so cheerful... when I going throught the hard time few yrs ago... hehee... I am alrite... better than ever... jus that not enough time for my things tt's all... :P
ok.. tt's it for today... wahahha...
Have a farewell lunch at East Coast tong le seafood resturant.. the food there is not bad.. hmm.. can consider going there again.. if time allow mi to.. hahaha...
Yday is a fully packed day... dun even rest for a bit... hmm... morning go Rivervale to teach, then off the east coast, after that will be my cell group... hehee... we going to have a bigger cell group.. cos mergging another group.. tt's so good.. hahaa.. also.. Pastor Danny also going to teach foundation 1 & 2 in the cell.. I wanna go~~~... ok.. after cell group.. off to YTCC... make mi so angry yday.. haiz... then to jurong spring cc... ah.. well.. say result as YTCC...
anyway.. dun tok abt unhappy things la... planning for the exam studying also... hope I can make it this time.. :)
Pastor Danny wanna mi to go to batam with the other adult member.. which is on the 1st May.. haiz... I going to have the routine exam for instructor on the 3rd May... also I wannna take a course in COOS on 3rd May.. 1st paper will be on 4th May 2nd paper will be 5th May.. pack rite... wahhahahhahahhaha... jia you for me.. :)
Nvr will I imagine I will be so cheerful... when I going throught the hard time few yrs ago... hehee... I am alrite... better than ever... jus that not enough time for my things tt's all... :P
ok.. tt's it for today... wahahha...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Dun lyk financial planning.. ahh~~~~
Gosh... I hate financial planning... it is so difficuit lor... how am i going to finish it by fri noon.... haiz.. there is some many don't understand in it.. wahhahaa.... hmm.. got to try my best in it.. :) hee...
O well... too stress.. so. come in to write sth out.. maybe i can have more idea after the write out... :) hehe.. anyway... today so many pple bday... this mth also... wahhahaa... wish them happy always..
time for a nap b4 going work and before cont my assignment.. 1 hr should be enough for my nap.. :) tata~~~
O well... too stress.. so. come in to write sth out.. maybe i can have more idea after the write out... :) hehe.. anyway... today so many pple bday... this mth also... wahhahaa... wish them happy always..
time for a nap b4 going work and before cont my assignment.. 1 hr should be enough for my nap.. :) tata~~~
Monday, March 9, 2009
Boom.... update again... few word to descript me............ busy.............tired...........lazy...........STRESS!!!...
lol... busy with a lot of stuff lately... the performance for my cc.. still in progress but there is something out liao.. so i think it can be complete by this mth.. busy with my work... too much work to do.. somemore I still need to study.. told myself then I wanna work hard and pass my Uni degree... :) so... STUDY STUDY STUDY as much as I can.. :P
tired of a lot of things... mentally and physicially.. :( too much work to do also and that I wanna finish all but not enough time cos I onli got 24 hrs to do haiz...... then some other thing bothering me too.. some is damit sian 1.. so dun wanna go into full detail... somemore.. I HATE LAST MIN THING!!!... wahahhahahha...
lazy to come in to update blog.. not that I dun wanna to.. sometime I really wanna tell abt what happen but then.. haiz.. since I got so many thing s to worriies abt.. I can hardly got time for this.. anyway... will try to update more often..
I do need some hearing ears.. :( I am too stress on things but I cannot even find some1 to hear my throught... which is so bad... haiz... I can jus find any1 to say.. cos I feel insurcure... I have to find some pple who I can really trust in.. :)
so.. stress... up... by... many... things... and... who... can... lent... mi... a.... ear????
I am so happy that I can be here... to think thattml may not come.. I got so many thing to do.. I wanna do it but not enough time.. but then.. so wat.. :) I jus conc on wat I have now.. and things will get better... hehe... someore... I really study.. which also shock mi... armm.. I dun wanna myself to think that it is too late to study... I wanna work hard.. :P
I super angry this few days with the driver in singapore... cant they jus think of others' safety and their safety?? they r jus so rage... wat are they thinking? I saw a BMW in Little India yday.. keep pressing horn and move in the 1st lane where there are a lot of pple working.. Think he drive BMW he big izit... somemore.. the same car..*i think cos same brand n colour and model* go high beam mi cos I dun move fast... WTH.. can he c that in front of me thee are a lot of car.. then he move pass me and drive like is his father road... TMD.. make mi so fed-up... haiz...
I dunno is there any1 who in relationship and having problem but then I like this verse.. so post it again.. ahha.. but in diff language.. :) and I hope that couples ard will feel and understand wat is in it... and in future when I have my belove I will do the same.. and here go...
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
4 爱 是 恒 久 忍 耐 , 又 有 恩 慈 ; 爱 是 不 嫉 妒 ; 爱 是 不 自 夸 , 不 张 狂 , 5 不 做 害 羞 的 事 , 不 求 自 己 的 益 处 , 不 轻 易 发 怒 , 不 计 算 人 的 恶 , 6 不 喜 欢 不 义 , 只 喜 欢 真 理 ; 7 凡 事 包 容 , 凡 事 相 信 , 凡 事 盼 望 , 凡 事 忍 耐 。 8 爱 是 永 不 止 息 。 先 知 讲 道 之 能 终 必 归 於 无 有 ; 说 方 言 之 能 终 必 停 止 ; 知 识 也 终 必 归 於 无 有 。
lol... busy with a lot of stuff lately... the performance for my cc.. still in progress but there is something out liao.. so i think it can be complete by this mth.. busy with my work... too much work to do.. somemore I still need to study.. told myself then I wanna work hard and pass my Uni degree... :) so... STUDY STUDY STUDY as much as I can.. :P
tired of a lot of things... mentally and physicially.. :( too much work to do also and that I wanna finish all but not enough time cos I onli got 24 hrs to do haiz...... then some other thing bothering me too.. some is damit sian 1.. so dun wanna go into full detail... somemore.. I HATE LAST MIN THING!!!... wahahhahahha...
lazy to come in to update blog.. not that I dun wanna to.. sometime I really wanna tell abt what happen but then.. haiz.. since I got so many thing s to worriies abt.. I can hardly got time for this.. anyway... will try to update more often..
I do need some hearing ears.. :( I am too stress on things but I cannot even find some1 to hear my throught... which is so bad... haiz... I can jus find any1 to say.. cos I feel insurcure... I have to find some pple who I can really trust in.. :)
so.. stress... up... by... many... things... and... who... can... lent... mi... a.... ear????
I am so happy that I can be here... to think thattml may not come.. I got so many thing to do.. I wanna do it but not enough time.. but then.. so wat.. :) I jus conc on wat I have now.. and things will get better... hehe... someore... I really study.. which also shock mi... armm.. I dun wanna myself to think that it is too late to study... I wanna work hard.. :P
I super angry this few days with the driver in singapore... cant they jus think of others' safety and their safety?? they r jus so rage... wat are they thinking? I saw a BMW in Little India yday.. keep pressing horn and move in the 1st lane where there are a lot of pple working.. Think he drive BMW he big izit... somemore.. the same car..*i think cos same brand n colour and model* go high beam mi cos I dun move fast... WTH.. can he c that in front of me thee are a lot of car.. then he move pass me and drive like is his father road... TMD.. make mi so fed-up... haiz...
I dunno is there any1 who in relationship and having problem but then I like this verse.. so post it again.. ahha.. but in diff language.. :) and I hope that couples ard will feel and understand wat is in it... and in future when I have my belove I will do the same.. and here go...
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
4 爱 是 恒 久 忍 耐 , 又 有 恩 慈 ; 爱 是 不 嫉 妒 ; 爱 是 不 自 夸 , 不 张 狂 , 5 不 做 害 羞 的 事 , 不 求 自 己 的 益 处 , 不 轻 易 发 怒 , 不 计 算 人 的 恶 , 6 不 喜 欢 不 义 , 只 喜 欢 真 理 ; 7 凡 事 包 容 , 凡 事 相 信 , 凡 事 盼 望 , 凡 事 忍 耐 。 8 爱 是 永 不 止 息 。 先 知 讲 道 之 能 终 必 归 於 无 有 ; 说 方 言 之 能 终 必 停 止 ; 知 识 也 终 必 归 於 无 有 。
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Hmm.. I know that I dun have much time for the blog.. but I will try my best to update it.. :)
Today is Valentine's Day.. And I wanna wish all pple a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! it is not totally abt bgr.. valentine's day can also celebrate with frens.. :)
hmm.. ayway.. I am still the same as last year... a lonely Valentine's Day.. went to kuen for training since today class is cancelled... :) I think I tui bu le.. dun have the stamina to complete the whole set.. haiz.. got to train.. :)
Hmm... yday is Wenbiao's bday.. we went to Party World.. sing and drrink lor.. but lucky I dun have much.. cos today I still got class to teach in the morning.. hmm.. chang jiang dun even slp lor.. lol... and Zhipeng and Wenbiao Drunk.. 1st time Wenbiso drunk.. most of the time is he make pple drunk 1.. lol... ok la.. quite fun lor..
Hmm.. today Valentine's day also nth to do la.. haiz... anyway.. it passed 5 day without going into the sin.. which is good.. Keep it up.. :) I tell Lord that if I cannt get rid of the sin.. I wun going to get te some1 special.. :) cos I dun wanna let this sin affect my lifee.. :)
ok la... Cont my lonely Valentine's liao... :)
O ya.. got the letter from wuzong liao.. for the instructor class... hmm.. I jus hope I can pass this time... if not I dunno whether I still wanna cont onot liao.. :) pray to God ba.. :)
Today is Valentine's Day.. And I wanna wish all pple a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! it is not totally abt bgr.. valentine's day can also celebrate with frens.. :)
hmm.. ayway.. I am still the same as last year... a lonely Valentine's Day.. went to kuen for training since today class is cancelled... :) I think I tui bu le.. dun have the stamina to complete the whole set.. haiz.. got to train.. :)
Hmm... yday is Wenbiao's bday.. we went to Party World.. sing and drrink lor.. but lucky I dun have much.. cos today I still got class to teach in the morning.. hmm.. chang jiang dun even slp lor.. lol... and Zhipeng and Wenbiao Drunk.. 1st time Wenbiso drunk.. most of the time is he make pple drunk 1.. lol... ok la.. quite fun lor..
Hmm.. today Valentine's day also nth to do la.. haiz... anyway.. it passed 5 day without going into the sin.. which is good.. Keep it up.. :) I tell Lord that if I cannt get rid of the sin.. I wun going to get te some1 special.. :) cos I dun wanna let this sin affect my lifee.. :)
ok la... Cont my lonely Valentine's liao... :)
O ya.. got the letter from wuzong liao.. for the instructor class... hmm.. I jus hope I can pass this time... if not I dunno whether I still wanna cont onot liao.. :) pray to God ba.. :)
Monday, February 9, 2009
God's supernatural miracle...
I got to put this down no matter wat.. anway now at 3:30 in the morning liao.. jus came home... :) hmm.. thing that I am going to put down, some pple may not believe it.. but the whole hall of pple saw this wondeful miracle being performed.. :)
It happen on today service.. during the end of servicing, the pastor from U.S, Pastor Chad & Julia Dedmon have a healing performed to a lot of pple... and to deef also... there is some pple who lost their hearing for some reason.. and when He pray for a ger whoo lost her hearing, with the whole lot of us praying for her also.. and then miracle happen... the ger slowly recover her hearing.. isn't that wonderful.. see how powerful is God.. who can heal pple... and I saw it with my own eyes... :) praise God.. :)
2nd miracle is more to myself... I had some quarrel with Yvonne last nite.. due to some reason where I dun wanna say.. a miscomm la... and I feel so sad.. I went to Pray and tell all my thing to Lord.. not like praying but it is like having a tok with Him.. and after tt I feel more relex.. sttress go off from me... *I am having a lot of stress this few weeks...* and today Lord show me a lot of things... and I fee that He is telling me that no matter what happen in this world.. He will always with me.. and I can jus go and look for Him.. especially when I am in stress...
How wonderful is the Lord.. :) that He be with us no matter what we go throught.. and He go throught it with us.. when we soar, He soar with us. and when we are happy, He too is happy... When we need help, He is always there for us.. :)
Thanks God.. and I really Love You... :)
It happen on today service.. during the end of servicing, the pastor from U.S, Pastor Chad & Julia Dedmon have a healing performed to a lot of pple... and to deef also... there is some pple who lost their hearing for some reason.. and when He pray for a ger whoo lost her hearing, with the whole lot of us praying for her also.. and then miracle happen... the ger slowly recover her hearing.. isn't that wonderful.. see how powerful is God.. who can heal pple... and I saw it with my own eyes... :) praise God.. :)
2nd miracle is more to myself... I had some quarrel with Yvonne last nite.. due to some reason where I dun wanna say.. a miscomm la... and I feel so sad.. I went to Pray and tell all my thing to Lord.. not like praying but it is like having a tok with Him.. and after tt I feel more relex.. sttress go off from me... *I am having a lot of stress this few weeks...* and today Lord show me a lot of things... and I fee that He is telling me that no matter what happen in this world.. He will always with me.. and I can jus go and look for Him.. especially when I am in stress...
How wonderful is the Lord.. :) that He be with us no matter what we go throught.. and He go throught it with us.. when we soar, He soar with us. and when we are happy, He too is happy... When we need help, He is always there for us.. :)
Thanks God.. and I really Love You... :)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy new year!
(Especially those who I care a lot!)
Haven been updating my blog for sometimes.. hmm.. Have been very busy.. haiz... wonder when will I have a nice cosy breakaway... I need 1... break without any work and jus rest for the whole day... :)
Anyway I realise that finally I had really put tings down.. and it really feel good... Things that I had hold on to for a long time.. and I learnt to put it down... hmm.. slow learner I am.. ahaha... tt's why I learn to put things down much later than others, but it no matter about the time.. :)
This year new year is like so-so lidat.. not that excited... somemore... onli 2 days... :( 3rd day got to work liao... haiz... hope that nextyr 1 will be better.. hahaa... ang bao also getting less.. hmmm.... eco no good la.. lolz.... but onli thin that is fun should be the majong.. haha.. altot I lost.. heee... and the food.... I ate whole day in chu yi.. wahahhahahahhhaha...
I still got a lot of things to learn.. and I wanna learn it... Praise God that a lotof things happen around me and I hope that after this things, pple will realise that wat they lack of.. and including me.. :)
Lord show me that no matter what I am facing.. what situation I am in, and if I hold on to it... endure it... and dun Give up.. I can be able to make it.. and I am doing it rite now... I jus wanna to renew my mind for the better and not going back to the old mee.. :)
Jesus, I will never give up. :)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Blessed by God
wahhahaha... I am blessed by God... previously I say abt the Audit rite.. guess wat.. the Auditor dun come... so.. no need to do it.. so good.. c the work of God.. :) wahahhaa... happy with it..
Today minister tok abt Father God.. and I learn sth.. altot it is not really related to the topic of today.. but somehow it do link to mi 1 way o another... it is abt releasing the person that u care for... tt is wat I feel God wanna tell me.. to put down.. to put it down.. and not to hold onli to anymore... making me more stress than qi pan. :) and I should learn for it.. o ya.. I got my baptism cert liao.. happy.. hehee...
today training not bad.. actually I got some improvement on qiang.. but I dun think is enough... slowly ba.. but will prepare for the cop if i can take part.. wahhaa... anwyay.. today do dui lian.. weiheng 1st day do.. so will slow.. then i jus said... we do a real 1.. he kana hit then he will remember.. and the I accidently hit his head.. hehhee.. sry... no gu yi 1... he block liao but wronf area so kana hit.. anyway the dui lian should be ok ba...
study wise.. got some prob... all date crash with my coaching again.. haiz.. i worry abt the lab la.. leature still not so bad.. but lab I wanna go.. maybe write a e mail and ask whether I can go early onot.. so i can do the lab also.. :)
Trust in God.. and Faith in Him.. and I am happy abt it..
Today minister tok abt Father God.. and I learn sth.. altot it is not really related to the topic of today.. but somehow it do link to mi 1 way o another... it is abt releasing the person that u care for... tt is wat I feel God wanna tell me.. to put down.. to put it down.. and not to hold onli to anymore... making me more stress than qi pan. :) and I should learn for it.. o ya.. I got my baptism cert liao.. happy.. hehee...
today training not bad.. actually I got some improvement on qiang.. but I dun think is enough... slowly ba.. but will prepare for the cop if i can take part.. wahhaa... anwyay.. today do dui lian.. weiheng 1st day do.. so will slow.. then i jus said... we do a real 1.. he kana hit then he will remember.. and the I accidently hit his head.. hehhee.. sry... no gu yi 1... he block liao but wronf area so kana hit.. anyway the dui lian should be ok ba...
study wise.. got some prob... all date crash with my coaching again.. haiz.. i worry abt the lab la.. leature still not so bad.. but lab I wanna go.. maybe write a e mail and ask whether I can go early onot.. so i can do the lab also.. :)
Trust in God.. and Faith in Him.. and I am happy abt it..
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Put trust in me can?
JUs happen to blog sth b4 I go for some stuidy and bed... :) not very happy la... cos of the work... :) working place cannot tell but I can say that my IC SUX!!!! y I use that work.. U every see IC not doing work and men work?? somemore is on Audit tml lor... wth.... I am not counted workig there liao ok... y am i clearing ur things that U had done wrong?? and when we are OT helping u clear the thing where are u???? go home... haiz.. U see la.. tt's Y I dun really like the working place.. no teamwork there... not like the other place.. altot they may not be as frenly but they work... understand? W...O...R...K... ok!!!
haiz... enough of that.... I jus feel then pple ard me dun seen to believe and trust me... am any1 of u jus tell me y?? even when wat I did is correct or the info is correct.. Y jus cant believe in me.. I jus cannot understand.. :( nvr.. at least God believe in me.. :) and thx You...
today training... hmm... Di jiao lian ask us to do 360... without matt.. and I dunno y.. I jus 软掉lo... :( I am wonder is it cos that I recall how I dislocate my knee or that I am scare of doing that... then totally no strength.. :( SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haiz... I wanna try again next time.. I muz do it... and I pray that my left Knee will be able to support me.. :)
ok.. tt's it for now.. going bath and study liao... got to work hard!!
Tok to God abt alot of things jus now.. and I believe in You.. I have Faith in You.. :) Thx You for being by my side.. :)
haiz... enough of that.... I jus feel then pple ard me dun seen to believe and trust me... am any1 of u jus tell me y?? even when wat I did is correct or the info is correct.. Y jus cant believe in me.. I jus cannot understand.. :( nvr.. at least God believe in me.. :) and thx You...
today training... hmm... Di jiao lian ask us to do 360... without matt.. and I dunno y.. I jus 软掉lo... :( I am wonder is it cos that I recall how I dislocate my knee or that I am scare of doing that... then totally no strength.. :( SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haiz... I wanna try again next time.. I muz do it... and I pray that my left Knee will be able to support me.. :)
ok.. tt's it for now.. going bath and study liao... got to work hard!!
Tok to God abt alot of things jus now.. and I believe in You.. I have Faith in You.. :) Thx You for being by my side.. :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
am I missing her?
Back for some update... heee... toopid shoutbox spoilt again.. haiz.. think I will change to another 1.. :) recently really busy at work.. being recall back to Lab to prepare for the audit which is on the coming Wednesday... actually nth much for me to do also la.. :P so i jus lobo there a little... like having holiday lidat.. taking a break from MOF... hahahhaa.. But I still mss FCF la.. :P cos got pple to accompany me chat and also not that busy.. hehee...
had being going for training on tues and wed... hehee.. learn a lot of things... today also.. not bad le.. at least I know that zhuan ti is not that diff.... hahahhaa... I jus got to get it firm then make sure I can land can liao... maybe b4 this yr I will be able to do it... hahahha... today at least I hit my 1 target... which is 720 turn... and going to add it onto my yuan di bai lian.. wahahhahha... hmm... WB say that my foot step is getting faster... *happy* hahhaha.. this I got to thanks Di Jiao Lian, Zhipeng and the xiao jiao lian(s) in China... If not for them then I wun get to know where is my weak pt and start training on it... even start training.. cos of them.. I get to know the rite method to train on it... hehee...
I am starting on my study.. this is my last chance.. and I wanna make 1 last try... and I know that God will be with me.. :) muz jia you o... Hansong.. :)
I wann leave in the house of God.. :) and that is the 1 thing I wanna.. :) I thank God that He is always by my side... :)
hmm.... *jus a feeling de qing shu* :P I wanna open up the God and to make sure that Wat I did now is rite... am I still thinking of her.. cos her name and her face will come into my mind... I know that somehow in my heart I still like her... but I dun dare to make a move... as long as I know that she is happy with her life.. I am satisfied... maybe in future.. when I got the courage to do it.. I will do my best to tell her... and I ask that LORD will Bless her... :)
Back for some update... heee... toopid shoutbox spoilt again.. haiz.. think I will change to another 1.. :) recently really busy at work.. being recall back to Lab to prepare for the audit which is on the coming Wednesday... actually nth much for me to do also la.. :P so i jus lobo there a little... like having holiday lidat.. taking a break from MOF... hahahhaa.. But I still mss FCF la.. :P cos got pple to accompany me chat and also not that busy.. hehee...
had being going for training on tues and wed... hehee.. learn a lot of things... today also.. not bad le.. at least I know that zhuan ti is not that diff.... hahahhaa... I jus got to get it firm then make sure I can land can liao... maybe b4 this yr I will be able to do it... hahahha... today at least I hit my 1 target... which is 720 turn... and going to add it onto my yuan di bai lian.. wahahhahha... hmm... WB say that my foot step is getting faster... *happy* hahhaha.. this I got to thanks Di Jiao Lian, Zhipeng and the xiao jiao lian(s) in China... If not for them then I wun get to know where is my weak pt and start training on it... even start training.. cos of them.. I get to know the rite method to train on it... hehee...
I am starting on my study.. this is my last chance.. and I wanna make 1 last try... and I know that God will be with me.. :) muz jia you o... Hansong.. :)
I wann leave in the house of God.. :) and that is the 1 thing I wanna.. :) I thank God that He is always by my side... :)
hmm.... *jus a feeling de qing shu* :P I wanna open up the God and to make sure that Wat I did now is rite... am I still thinking of her.. cos her name and her face will come into my mind... I know that somehow in my heart I still like her... but I dun dare to make a move... as long as I know that she is happy with her life.. I am satisfied... maybe in future.. when I got the courage to do it.. I will do my best to tell her... and I ask that LORD will Bless her... :)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
wonderful day in training.. :P
O gosh O gosh.. guess wat I saw jus now.. a van in fire on the exit to Thomson.. and the fire was as high as a tree lor... the toopid pple keep slowing dwn to watch and take a look.. then causing the traffie to be super heavy... y wanna be so KPO????? why.. unless u wanna help if not dun look la... haiz... I got the intention to call the police and fireman.. but then I saw pple there already.. reporter.. toopid somrmore... haiz .. so I guess some1 already called them.. when i when pass the old police accadamy I saw Tp coming out.. that mean police is informed... O ya.. 1 more thing... if pple reading this are drivers... pls la.. when u jam the road how can the fireman come to put out fire... use ur head and think la... haiz...
today training.. onli 6 pple.. but we did have a lot of fun.. Di jiao lian teaching us some zi xuan qiang's move.. and all was learning very hard. :) happy... he say that qiang pple got improve.. hmm.. but I haven reach the standard that I wanna.. so I muz work harder.. hehhee... jia you.. :)
thinking tml wanan go training onot. :P
working wise.. tml I going back to my 1st working place to help out.. :) nth much except that I am red now.. my arms and face.. cos I had been under the sun for very long... siting on a/c.. wahahhahahhaa.. fun lor.. doing towing.. hmm... maybe cos this is my 1st time.. but I like the feeling.. :)
Have been reading bible recently and found sth which i think is weird and nice.. wanna find some1 to help explain to me.. :)
that is for today.. :P
today training.. onli 6 pple.. but we did have a lot of fun.. Di jiao lian teaching us some zi xuan qiang's move.. and all was learning very hard. :) happy... he say that qiang pple got improve.. hmm.. but I haven reach the standard that I wanna.. so I muz work harder.. hehhee... jia you.. :)
thinking tml wanan go training onot. :P
working wise.. tml I going back to my 1st working place to help out.. :) nth much except that I am red now.. my arms and face.. cos I had been under the sun for very long... siting on a/c.. wahahhahahhaa.. fun lor.. doing towing.. hmm... maybe cos this is my 1st time.. but I like the feeling.. :)
Have been reading bible recently and found sth which i think is weird and nice.. wanna find some1 to help explain to me.. :)
that is for today.. :P
Sunday, January 4, 2009
new qiang... haha...
tml starting work again.. haiz... hmmmm.. audit somemore.. :P anyway.. I jus came here to blog sth onli... which is... I got a new qiang... wahhaahahahahha I am so happy... hmm.. altot this 1 not the perfect 1.. but Di jiao lian teach me how to make qiang.. :) learn quite a lot.. of how to connect the head with the body... hee.. and how to make a qiang nicer... :) he still say that my qiang too soft liao.. hahaha... hmm other say it is a bit heavy.. but when I take it i jus feel it is jus rite.. wahahhaha...
hmm... today go church.. lern abt spirit.. :) abt soul.. and how we strenghten our spirit.. and i like it.. especially abt those testi.. I love it and it really fire me up.. and always remind me then God is always by my side.. :)
training wise.. we are preparing for sth nice.. hehee.. when the time is rite.. maybe i will post here.. cos thing haven really commfirm yet.. :) and I enjoying the training today.. mainly cos my leg an't then pain anymore.. at least I learn how to prevent it and to slowly heal my back.. I also will train at home de.. :)
sch starting soon.. I wanna work hard HARD HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx God for alway by my side.. :)
hmm... today go church.. lern abt spirit.. :) abt soul.. and how we strenghten our spirit.. and i like it.. especially abt those testi.. I love it and it really fire me up.. and always remind me then God is always by my side.. :)
training wise.. we are preparing for sth nice.. hehee.. when the time is rite.. maybe i will post here.. cos thing haven really commfirm yet.. :) and I enjoying the training today.. mainly cos my leg an't then pain anymore.. at least I learn how to prevent it and to slowly heal my back.. I also will train at home de.. :)
sch starting soon.. I wanna work hard HARD HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx God for alway by my side.. :)
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