Have a faith that God won't send you anything you're incapable of handling. You can decode that the word fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

1 assignmant down a lot to come.. waha..

Jus finish my Personal financial assignment on the fri.. but then.. I think there is more on their way.. exam will be coming soon... and I got to force myself to start studying... haiz.... this ain't tt good after all... hmm... I got this feeling that there will be a large changing at somewhere.. :) some place where I dun wanna name la... lalala~~~

Have a farewell lunch at East Coast tong le seafood resturant.. the food there is not bad.. hmm.. can consider going there again.. if time allow mi to.. hahaha...

Yday is a fully packed day... dun even rest for a bit... hmm... morning go Rivervale to teach, then off the east coast, after that will be my cell group... hehee... we going to have a bigger cell group.. cos mergging another group.. tt's so good.. hahaa.. also.. Pastor Danny also going to teach foundation 1 & 2 in the cell.. I wanna go~~~... ok.. after cell group.. off to YTCC... make mi so angry yday.. haiz... then to jurong spring cc... ah.. well.. say result as YTCC...

anyway.. dun tok abt unhappy things la... planning for the exam studying also... hope I can make it this time.. :)

Pastor Danny wanna mi to go to batam with the other adult member.. which is on the 1st May.. haiz... I going to have the routine exam for instructor on the 3rd May... also I wannna take a course in COOS on 3rd May.. 1st paper will be on 4th May 2nd paper will be 5th May.. pack rite... wahhahahhahahhaha... jia you for me.. :)

Nvr will I imagine I will be so cheerful... when I going throught the hard time few yrs ago... hehee... I am alrite... better than ever... jus that not enough time for my things tt's all... :P

ok.. tt's it for today... wahahha...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dun lyk financial planning.. ahh~~~~

Gosh... I hate financial planning... it is so difficuit lor... how am i going to finish it by fri noon.... haiz.. there is some many don't understand in it.. wahhahaa.... hmm.. got to try my best in it.. :) hee...

O well... too stress.. so. come in to write sth out.. maybe i can have more idea after the write out... :) hehe.. anyway... today so many pple bday... this mth also... wahhahaa... wish them happy always..

time for a nap b4 going work and before cont my assignment.. 1 hr should be enough for my nap.. :) tata~~~

Monday, March 9, 2009


Boom.... update again... few word to descript me............ busy.............tired...........lazy...........STRESS!!!...

lol... busy with a lot of stuff lately... the performance for my cc.. still in progress but there is something out liao.. so i think it can be complete by this mth.. busy with my work... too much work to do.. somemore I still need to study.. told myself then I wanna work hard and pass my Uni degree... :) so... STUDY STUDY STUDY as much as I can.. :P

tired of a lot of things... mentally and physicially.. :( too much work to do also and that I wanna finish all but not enough time cos I onli got 24 hrs to do haiz...... then some other thing bothering me too.. some is damit sian 1.. so dun wanna go into full detail... somemore.. I HATE LAST MIN THING!!!... wahahhahahha...

lazy to come in to update blog.. not that I dun wanna to.. sometime I really wanna tell abt what happen but then.. haiz.. since I got so many thing s to worriies abt.. I can hardly got time for this.. anyway... will try to update more often..

I do need some hearing ears.. :( I am too stress on things but I cannot even find some1 to hear my throught... which is so bad... haiz... I can jus find any1 to say.. cos I feel insurcure... I have to find some pple who I can really trust in.. :)

so.. stress... up... by... many... things... and... who... can... lent... mi... a.... ear????

I am so happy that I can be here... to think thattml may not come.. I got so many thing to do.. I wanna do it but not enough time.. but then.. so wat.. :) I jus conc on wat I have now.. and things will get better... hehe... someore... I really study.. which also shock mi... armm.. I dun wanna myself to think that it is too late to study... I wanna work hard.. :P

I super angry this few days with the driver in singapore... cant they jus think of others' safety and their safety?? they r jus so rage... wat are they thinking? I saw a BMW in Little India yday.. keep pressing horn and move in the 1st lane where there are a lot of pple working.. Think he drive BMW he big izit... somemore.. the same car..*i think cos same brand n colour and model* go high beam mi cos I dun move fast... WTH.. can he c that in front of me thee are a lot of car.. then he move pass me and drive like is his father road... TMD.. make mi so fed-up... haiz...

I dunno is there any1 who in relationship and having problem but then I like this verse.. so post it again.. ahha.. but in diff language.. :) and I hope that couples ard will feel and understand wat is in it... and in future when I have my belove I will do the same.. and here go...

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

4 爱 是 恒 久 忍 耐 , 又 有 恩 慈 ; 爱 是 不 嫉 妒 ; 爱 是 不 自 夸 , 不 张 狂 , 5 不 做 害 羞 的 事 , 不 求 自 己 的 益 处 , 不 轻 易 发 怒 , 不 计 算 人 的 恶 , 6 不 喜 欢 不 义 , 只 喜 欢 真 理 ; 7 凡 事 包 容 , 凡 事 相 信 , 凡 事 盼 望 , 凡 事 忍 耐 。 8 爱 是 永 不 止 息 。 先 知 讲 道 之 能 终 必 归 於 无 有 ; 说 方 言 之 能 终 必 停 止 ; 知 识 也 终 必 归 於 无 有 。